Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Brian Cambell, 37 day Mastermind on Facebook

Brian Campbell 37 day challenge - Creating The Mastermind.

Brian has started to leverage his friends on facebook, He first started with a call for an attorney to get some more expert advice about how to proceed, Now he has made a call to other experts to join him and share in his forthcoming success. He is wise enough to realise that he can't do everything by himself and even though he has his own team of employees, he needs a more specialised group for this next step. He is implementing a strategy recommended by Jay Abraham which is to create a Mastermind Group around him. In effect a virtual team of individuals who are all working together for each others mutual advantage.

I am doing this right now by writing this blog post, Brian has encouraged all his friends to help him and also showed that even by just blogging about what he is doing we help him and also help ourselves by being the first to reveal our personal stories and success by following his group strategy.

Brian has already started to create the group Hologram by asking everyone to focus their energy and intent towards him. He is bringing cohesion and as each individual joins and actually participates they will start to see where they themselves fit into the puzzle and can play their own part. The beauty is that everyone can share in the pie and it is not just a financial pie that is being offered, that was just Brians trick to get our attention.


Clarity and understanding will only come to those who participate, if you only watch from the sidelines you might understand on an intellectual level what is going on but will not have developed the relationships with actual people and this is the real long term value.

Short term winners, Long term losers

Anyone who abuses the structure and only wants attention for self promotion will always end up being short term winners but long term losers, selfishness is quickly dealt with on facebook, you can exclude someone with a click of the mouse and word travels very quickly. Spammers are not tolerated for very long.

Group Mind

I predict that as groups and networks are formed, people who have the same purpose will naturally cluster together share resources and have access to what I term the holographic group mind. What this means is that you open to the collective wisdom of the group and start to experience higher levels of creativity and thinking. To fully access this mode of being you need to adopt the right attitude which starts with asking yourself how you can be of service to others. A second major mindset is to know that you will be rewarded for your actions and therefore don't have to worry about money all the time.

Financial Freedom

If you focus only on personal financial gain you lose the full benefit of the group energy because you have become self centred. Start by thinking what you can do to help others make money, you will always be rewarded in the end. Money is actually only one very small and limited potential that is available and is maybe the first stumbling block that most people get stuck on. Financial freedom has to be developed strategically and also with a clear understanding of what your strategy is going to cost you. Becoming a slave to your business won't make you happy or the world a better place.

Brian Cambell and his 37 day Challenge on Facebook

Brian Campbell and his 37 day Challenge on Facebook

Brian Cambell has been creating quite a buzz on Facebook in the last two weeks, by setting up a group called the Internet Marketing University. He is keeping his real strategies somewhat secret and is only giving out information as and when it becomes necessary. Brian Campbell is an Internet Marketer who has 100,000 people on his list and has generated $2 million in sales so he knows what he is talking about, but he is also doing this stunt to show people some of the deeper spiritual values that he lives his life by. That abundance is available for everyone if they just choose to allow themselves to have it.

Virtual Company

Anyone who is watching closely what he is doing can maybe have a few ideas about the magnitude of his plans and understand why he is so excited and also why he is building a mastermind group of people around him. Basically a virtual company of individuals who are joining forces for their own mutual benefit. Brian already revealed his strategy for growing a list of friends quickly, I have been doing it the old fashioned way and now have over 200 friends. Brians technique is to leverage your own friends and to help each other.

Leverage your Friends

Each person recommending friends to each other so that everyone's list grows quicker. I have just started to implement this strategy myself and already new friends are being sent to my inbox, anyone who wants to partner up can contact me on http:/ . My main concern about this startegy is that I want to really meet everyone who becomes my friend on facebook, I am meeting such amazing people everyday and I need to know which ones are the most important, That is why I am keeping a notebook in and tracking all the people who stand out so I can have a core of talented people who I can build a stronger realationship with. and ultimately join forces with.

Brian Reveals the real reason Marketers are so excited

On one of his training videos Brian revealed one of the most important aspects of using Facebook and how you can create a very targeted list of people in your own niche by using some of the application that you can ad to your account on Facebook.

As I have been studying what applications all the top marketers have on their profiles this little piece of information blew me away when I realised its actual potential and also how Facebook might start regulating usage of these types of functions if too many unscrupulous people start using them. I am not going to reveal anything more right now,

Keep control of your own Business

Facebook is all about sharing and networking, there is a huge potential to build your own business there but Brian warns of the danger of having someone else controlling your contact list. It is too easy for Facebook to shut someone down overnight if the choose to do so and Brian has already been warned for moving too quickly. He suggests using Facebook as a gateway and access point to bring people to your own website where you can then have total control over the interaction.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Stompernet to Reopen the Doors

Brad Fallon and Andy Jenkins will be opening the doors to Stompernet again soon, I read a twitter from AJ which said he has just sent out the PDF's to the JV partners, They also sent out a very sneaky marketing mistake on their autoresponder series to people who were not yet members of stompernet showing what was coming up in the next year, then they sent an appolgy saying it was a mistake.... yeah , I believe that!! those guys don't make any mistakes, every move is carefully calculated. So if you want access to the best training I would make sure you don't miss the boat. As they are sure to be innundated.

StomperNet Membership Update:

So here we are, April 15th.

For those of us in the U.S. it's the deadline for filing our
income tax returns. It's that dreaded day where the U.S.
government comes knocking to take a nice big bite out of our
hard-earned profits.
Now, I'm not here to talk politics (Good LORD don't get me
started) - taxes are taxes (cough...CHOKE), and whether you
agree with them or not (AHHHH), the government says it's time
to settle that bill. (Pfffft)
And when you've worked hard all year, it can be quite a big
blow to have to cough up what you owe. I wish I could make it
go away. For you AND for me.

But sadly, there's just not a whole lot I can do - that's
between you and the IRS. :)

Look, if you got bumped up into a higher tax bracket, well...
that's just a side effect of success, right? And isn't that
what we're all here for? To learn how to earn more? To earn
so much that the government actually puts you on a whole
different pay schedule?

I mean, as far as consequences go, that's not a bad one, but
MAN is it painful to have to put that check in the mail. It
can make enormous success seem like a bittersweet victory.

For small business owners, today is almost like a day of
mourning, and I feel your pain.
We all do. Heck, I'm even
wearing black as I write this (and not just because it's

That's why at StomperNet, we want to do what we can to
counteract this annual attack on our members' pocketbooks.

We can't pay them for you, and we can't just cut a check...

But hopefully, as we showed with the announcements at LIVE
Five, we're got our members' backs - not just with words, but with

We've once again done our best to extend the benefits of
StomperNet membership - FAR beyond what's ever been

As you may know, at the event, announced FIVE new faculty members
and TONS of new courses and features that StomperNet members will
have full access to as part of your membership.
And today, April 15 - while the IRS TAKES your hard earned cash
(BOO!) - StomperNet gives back to members with the beginning of
FOUR new
educational series designed to make NEXT year even
better, so
2008's tax bill is just a wee memory. (YAY!)
And this gives us a chance to put our newest faculty to work
getting member businesses firing on all cylinders as we head into
the springtime here in Georgia.

But before we get into the new content, I want to remind you
about StomperNet Personal Coaching.
This valuable component of
StomperNet is now NO LONGER exclusive to Veteran members.
That's right, Personal Coaching will soon be expanded to serve
EVERY FULL Stomper that wants it (and a LOT of you want it)!

I wanted to mention that before we get into all the new
offerings we're beginning to release today. We know StomperNet
can be like "drinking from the fire hose" - and we don't want
to further bewilder those members who are already frazzled.

Does StomperNet seem like too much info coming at you too
fast? Hang tight!
Coaches will soon be ready to help all members get organized, stay
focused, and accomplish all their business and personal goals.
This is the CURE for that feeling of being overwhelmed.
Listen, name me one world-class athlete that ever made it to
the top without a coach in their corner,
keeping them focused
on their goals, and holding them accountable for just getting
it done.

We want members to be the "gold-medalists" of online business, and
that's why we've got coaching for ALL FULL MEMBERS.

So, as you read about our new courses, just remember that very
VERY soon, we'll have a personal coach assigned for every member, ready to help
with planning and really put ALL of this great new content into play.


So, now that I've told you there's no need to panic,
here's the fire hose!

Now, if you were at the LIVE Five event, you know that we
REALLY wanted to show you what we've discovered over the past
year. VIDEO is the future of internet marketing, and it's
still a new and unconquered field, ripe for some sharp Stompers
to step in and really stake out some territory in this new

Of course, if you're a Stomper, or SMARTS member, or if you've
come aboard with us in ANY capacity since we opened in 2006,
you know that WE KNOW a little bit about using videos to really
grab attention in a marketplace.

But as good as we are at using video to PROMOTE our products
and services, the fact is - we DIDN'T have a lot of experience
when it came to using video to actually SELL our products and
But if we were able to do so well with video promotion, it's
pretty much guaranteed that using video for SALES is going to
be a HUGE tactic in the near future.
So in the StomperNet tradition - we went out and found the most
successful REAL WORLD PRACTITIONER of video sales letters, and
brought him on board to show ALL STOMPERS how we can put the power
of video to work not only generating leads...

... but to harness the raw, immersive, persuasive magic of
video to CONVERT interested prospects into SALIVATING
FANATICS - and most importantly - PAYING CUSTOMERS!

Though he needs no introduction from those of you that were
there, I'm going to introduce him anyway. :)

A down-home local boy, Mike Stewart proves beyond a shadow of a
doubt that when it comes to using online video to sell, you
don't need a Hollywood budget, expensive equipment, or
superstar good looks.
(Not that Mike isn't a handsome man...)
We brought Mike on board because not only does he know how to
make videos that SELL, but he knows how to do it FAST - he
knows how to make it EASY - and he knows how to make it WORK!
If any of you saw his presentation - you know that if video is
helping a small-town exterminator corner the local bug-killing
market - there's no DOUBT that a savvy Stomper can utterly
DOMINATE their niches by using video NOW
- BEFORE the
competition can catch up.

That's why we've teamed up with Mike to bring Stompers this course
on Video Sales Letters ASAP!
NOTE: We also just got Mike Koenigs (of Traffic Geyser) on
board, and more installments in my own video series are coming
to the member portal as well - video is going to be huge in the next couple of
years, and we want members more PREPARED than the competition, and
poised to do no less than DOMINATE - by the time any one else
can catch up to Stomper's video marketing education, our members will
have cemented in their positions as market leaders in their
But start today with Mike Stewart's first installment of Video
Sales Letters
- check out the forum here.


Next up, we want to talk to Stompers that are already started
up, who are already making money - but who are just spending way
too much
on PPC, or who just aren't getting the traffic they
should be.

Our members came on board StomperNet because you knew that we're the
BEST in the WORLD at SEO.
Brad Fallon and I made history with
the first "Stomping the Search Engines" course, and it's
because of that course that our members are all called "Stompers"
today - that was the course that started it all.

But of all the aspects we deal with in online business - SEO is
the MOST fickle
- the game with the QUICKEST rule changes, and
the most drastic impact on our profits.
If you depend on SEO for your success, then StomperNet has
ALREADY given our members more firepower - more unfair advantages - and
MORE secret tactics than any other resource known to man.

But the fact is, the cutting edge gets dull fast.

New discoveries are made, new opportunities for domination of
the SERPS arise.

And we're on top of it! Bit by bit, we keep Stompers updated with
the new ins-and-outs of the SEO game. But eventually, so much
stuff changes that we reach a tipping point.

At that point, so much new stuff has come to light that it
becomes time to just go back to square one and re- draft
everything you know.

That's not to say that anything we advise is obsolete - what
we're talking about is going back and re-exploring the
fundamentals of SEO,
but looking back with the intervening 2
years of hindsight - looking back with the added expertise of
faculty members like Leslie Rohde and Jerry West...

And let's not forget the guy who's lacing it all up for members,
Dan "the Man" Thies.
If you've spent any amount of time in our
forums, you know that Dan is ALWAYS ready with a quick (and
more importantly) INFORMED answer to any SEO questions our
members may have.

And now, after months of ongoing research and organization,
we're ready to introduce what we're calling "Stomping
the Search Engines 2"
- and we intend for this to not only
REPLACE the old stuff, but to update every still-working
strategy and drag it kicking and screaming into 2008.

Now, other courses may have just stopped there, but
we've taken it farther than anyone else possibly could.

"Stomping the Search Engines 2" is only going to be the tip of
the iceberg.
Last year, we teased you about something we've
been working on - something that will be the end-all be-all of
SEO education. We call that project "ULTRA" - and this is
training wheels...

Once our members get cruising with STSE2, they'll be ready for the
cutting edge strategies and tactics of ULTRA.
But you have to start somewhere, so why not check out the first
video in the new "Stomping the Search Engines 2" course, with
Dan Thies leading the way. All the new resources are linked
from this dedicated new forum.


On to the next tasty treat:

We've brought on board Paul Colligan, a guy many of you may
already know as a podcasting guru and new media expert. In
Paul's new capacity as a StomperNet Faculty member, he's
designed an absolutely killer content strategy that's unlike
anything we've ever seen before.

Heck, if we hadn't seen it in action at LIVE Five, I wouldn't
even believe it was POSSIBLE.

Imagine creating a single piece of content - not that hard,
right? We do it all the time.

Now, through the processes Paul calls "Uber- Distribution" and
"Uber-Syndication" our members can simply go thorough a short series of steps -
and each step MULTIPLIES and AMPLIFIES the step before it.
Once this system is set up, a single action sets in motion a
MASSIVE and INTEGRATED system that will multiply, distribute,
and syndicate messaging across nearly EVERY Web 2.0 property
that matters.

As a Stomper, your message propagates across the internet with
almost no effort at all - and when you're done, you and your potential
prospects are left with an undeniable "big picture" - you MUST
be the expert on the topic at hand because your stuff is

Coming right off of the tail-end of SMARTS, Paul's "Uber"
series is going take every bit of social marketing know-how
we've delivered and crank it up so loud, it'll break off the

But enough of my crummy analogies - let Paul tell you himself
what "Uber" is, and why it's going to revolutionize your
content strategy in 2008, no matter what your business is.
Check it out in the dedicated forum we've set up just for
the "Uber" series.


So that leaves us with one more major addition today,
and I'm very excited about this one.

You see, even though all the stuff we've already talked about
is spanking new, super-fresh updated content, it's all still
stuff we've at least talked about before. Business basics,
SEO, Video Marketing - the courses that start today are all the
best-of-the-best when it comes to their topics, but they're all
things that StomperNet is already known for. (At least we HOPE

But this is different. I saw something on TV years ago, and
hopefully you've seen something like it so you "get" this
analogy. If I recall correctly, some guy was making a world
record attempt and knocking over the most dominoes. We've all
seen that, right? Thousands and thousands of little bricks are
all meticulously arranged to create a seemingly magical chain
reaction when that first domino is tipped over.

Well, the big finale of this spectacular display of tumbling
blocks was when instead of tumbling one at a time, one domino
knocked over two - and then each of those knocked over two -
and then each of THOSE knocked over two...
in a split second,
it became impossible to see the individual dominoes tumbling -
all you could see and hear was this massive WAVE of falling
blocks. It was like an avalanche.

But don't forget - it was a PRECISION ENGINEERED avalanche.

After all the blocks in the "wave" were tipped over, the
colored dominoes formed the image of a corporate sponsor's
logo (I think it was Pepsi!) - much to the delight of the
crowd. Out of what was seemingly pure chaos, a nice and
orderly pattern is achieved.

Now, I know it's kind of a weird story to tell, but that image
of the tumbling dominoes is just the perfect illustration for
what we're calling the "StomperCORE".

StomperCORE is shaping up to be the answer to what a lot of
Stomper members feel is the BIGGEST problem with our

Do you feel overwhelmed?

Do you feel like StomperNet has everything you need, but you
just have no idea where to start?

It's a lot like you're missing a couple of key dominoes in your
little "chain reaction" right? You knock a few down, but you
hit a gap, and all your forward progress is halted. Does that
sound familiar?

What you need is a CORE set of fundamentals - a CORE set of
values to prioritize, and a CORE set of strategies - you need
to start at the basics and build the FOUNDATION for your future
If you feel like you're holding back because you just need
someone to show you where to begin - or where to fill in the
gaps - wait no more!

StomperCORE is designed to consolidate and distill everything
we know
about business fundamentals and create a simple, easy
to execute "battle plan" to let our members quickly and easily create
and organize their vital business processes BEFORE they worry
about SEO or Social Marketing...

For a lot of Stompers, CORE will BE the missing dominoes in
your chain.
Once the foundation is laid, no force on
is going to be able to stop the chain-reaction that's
going to happen in Stompers' businesses.

And this is why Howie Schwartz, our newest full-time
Faculty/Staffer, is the best choice to lead this project.

Some people would have thought Howie was a COMPETITOR of
StomperNet, considering that his last course, "Conversation
Domination" was compared to SMARTS.
Some people would have thought we'd somehow be ENEMIES when it
came to teaching people Internet Marketing. But nothing could
be further from the truth. Howie IS what StomperNet is all
about - he learns by DOING this stuff EVERY DAY in his own
businesses, and he taught his students ONLY the stuff that

And that's our philosophy too.

And though Howie's had great success teaching people about the
newest Web 2.0 Social Strategies, the fact is, Howie's been
around a while now. And more than any other marketer on the
scene today, we knew that Howie would be the MOST capable at
teaching our students how to get started the RIGHT way, and how
to do it FAST.

Once the dominoes are in place, all it takes is the
slightest touch to put all that preparation and hard work into
motion. And that motion represents an exponential growth, just
like the domino world record grand finale.
We want Stompers to experience a growth in resources, a growth in
traffic, a growth in profits, and most importantly, a growth in
personal freedom.

But it all needs to start with fundamentals, and setting up
those first few dominoes JUST RIGHT!

That's what CORE is all about, and that's what Howie has in
store for our members just as fast as we can put the videos on the
. I can't WAIT - for the Stompers that have been
struggling and just haven't been able to get traction - CORE is
here, and there just aren't any excuses any more.

Go check out the first CORE video NOW! The best place to start is -
you guessed it, a brand new dedicated forum just for CORE.


And there you have it.

What you see before you today has been
the culmination of no less than six months of behind-the-scenes
wrangling and working - the faculty and staff all putting in
overtime to get this content to you with the speed and quality
you expect from us.

And now it's ready, so gear up!

While the rest of America is crying as they drop huge checks in
the mail to the IRS, or they yell less-than- pleasant words at
their accountants for being late...
StomperNet members can kick back, relax, watch our new videos...
and rest
ASSURED that if you put this stuff to work in your business,
your 2009 tax bill will be even higher than this year's...
because together, we're going to push your profits OFF THE EDGE
and into unknown, wild territory. We have the map and the
tools our members need.

Let's go blaze those trails and make some
history, huh?

On behalf of all the StomperNet Faculty and Staff who have
worked so hard to bring this wonderful, powerful new
material to our exclusive membership - we wish you a HAPPY Tax Day!
(And may you have many more!)

Keep Stomping,
~Andy Jenkins

Internet Milionare Postponed his Success

About Me

My name is Ian Chapman, I have spent the last 14 years plumbing the depths of human consciousness and have now returned from my explorations and hope to share some of the insights I have gained. Its quite amusing for me to see myself using the internet as the platform for this next step and also a test to see how disciplined I can be to use the technologies and not allow them to use me.

My Journey

My journey began 14 years ago in India when I had a spontaneous spiritual awakening. It was like someone had just turned on the electricity for the first time. One day I was an average underachiever university graduate, the next I was catapulted into a universe that I had only dreamed about. Why me? Well, I am still asking myself that question. I ended up undertaking a long spiritual training across a variety of disciplines.

Internet Millionaire?? Maybe Later....

I guess the most interesting thing that happened at the beginning was that I had a very strong vision while I was in Kathmandu, of using the internet to network businesses together and was given the blueprints for Online shops and Auction sites. This was back in 1995 when the internet almost didn't exist and no-one had even thought about Amazon or Ebay. I probably could have pulled it off if that was what I was supposed to do ( I was programming machine code on the Comodore 64 when I was 14 and taught computer studies at my school because I knew more than the teacher) also My Dad and Brother are both in the computer Industry.

Other Work To Do

My dreams of being an internet millionaire were postponed, I Had other work to do and other higher level programming languages to learn and the whole inner universes to explore. I spent many years living and working with a group of people who were focussed on collectively exploring human consciousness and how it operates through groups and familys and how to recreate tribal group consciousness within ourselves. We were guided into dreamwork and shamanic type explorations and also synthesized both ancient and modern teachings. We began to see the symbolic link between our inner and outer life and how our dreams were playing out in front of our very eyes if we were awake enough to observe this. All the time we were guided by a force much greater than ourselves and our focus was very much oriented towards serving others. Which is why we focalised healing and spiritual development workshops at several international gatherings all over Europe.


Recently I have become more involved in Yoga and Mediataion as these seem to be easier bridges to share my experiences with others. As I have matured I have stopped trying to impose my beliefs on others and learned to just hang back a little, those that are ready will understand, those that aren't won't.

The past few years I have been also been deepening my relationship with my Family and my Girlfriend Solveig, We bought a house on Bornholm, a small beautifull Danish island just south of Sweeden and will convert it into a Yoga and retreat centre.

I hope you enjoy reading my blogg and post your thoughts and comments.


Frank Kern and Eben Pagan get Holographic and they are embarassed to tell anyone


How many on you have ever experienced the phenomenon where you are with a certain group of people and at some point the energy in the room becomes cohesive to the point where you can actually sense the buzz and then everyone in the group becomes lifted to a higher level of awareness than their normal state and suddenly Ideas start flowing and it's like everyone is thinking from the same page. A person opposite you will speak the thoughts that you were just about to express. The excitement of the experience is often hard to explain after it has ended and for most people it is only a peak experience that leaves them and seems sometimes vaporous like a dream, The next day it is hard to remember everything that took place, Like you have memory loss but at a deep level you know that you touched upon something very special, but you just can't explain it


I heard a great example from an interview I heard recently where Frank Kern and Eben pagan were talking about the experiences that they had at Eben's Altitude seminar last year. Everyone was buzzing on a high energy level that had to be experienced but couldn't be explained An how during the break, Frank just sat down and wrote the whole sales letter for his forthcoming mass controll project. In the interview they were almost embarrased to admit what they had experienced in case people thought them a bit weird or new age .

When you take a group of people and you place them together and you focus all of their attention on one thing you create a laser beam of consciousness,

A laser is an electronic-optical device that emits coherent light radiation. The term "laser" is an acronym for Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation. <>

Now the photographic plate is peoples perception of reality itself, everyone is drawn into a group experience that they can only fully experience when they are coherent and all aligned towards the same purpose. Now in Eben and Franks case that was a $10,000 seminar that was designed to help entrepreneurs grow their business. The seminar was aptly named "Get Altitude" and it lifted everyone who participated to a much higher level. I know this for myself just through watching the recording on DVD. It totally changed my life. And gave me ideas to grow my own business and was the springboard that got me to this place and is the reason why I am writing this blog post.

Holographic Mapping - your net worth is the sum total of the 5 people you spend the most time with


In this article I will explore how the recent rise of internet marketers using social applications like facebook and twitter is the precursor of a major shift in consciousness, I hope to explain how this will relate to you and the steps you can take to maximise your own understanding of what is taking place on a global level and how you can position yourself to surf this next wave without getting sucked into the turbulence and confusion that is already affecting many people as this wave comes closer to the shore.


Just what exactly is holographic mapping and how does it apply to you and your life. Taken simply a hologram is in itself a map of what it was made from, A piece of coherent light that was projected through a laser onto a photographic plate and retained as a 3 dimensional impression. If you now smash that photographic plate and studied one of the pieces, the image you would see would be the same as the one on the larger plate only lacking in focus and brightness. If you gatherer several of the pieces together the same would occur only everything will become clearer and brighter.


So with that simple model in hand why is it important for you to understand the basic principles and what can you learn about them in your own life. Many of you will have heard the expression that you can measure your net worth as a person by combining the incomes of the five people that you spend most of your time with. Others have stated that your net worth is also the sum of the people networks of the five people you spend the most time with. This is a very simplistic application of holographic mapping techniques, but still nonetheless very effective and surprisingly accurate.


when looking at the recent rise of sites like facebook and twitter. There you have groups of people who are focussing their energy in one place and they are linking up with people who share similar things in common. The group is coherent in certain areas and with applications like twitter you can become connected to each person you are following and almost listen to their thoughts. Each persons intent and focus will affect their experience, so if your only goal is to make lots of money for yourself that will be what you will realise but only to a limited extent.


One of the unwritten laws of holographics is that you are a part of the whole and the whole is impersonal. The people who are really going to make the most money are those that are helping other people and not focused on themselves. A person who is only interested in themselves will use their network for selfish gain because they fail to see they are part of the greater whole and their greed and limited mindset will restrict it's full potential. How many of you have been turned off by friend requests that have turned into tacky sales pitches. The culprits are blind to the real power of social networking and would be much better positioned if they gave away instead of trying to get. Giving away creates more cohesion in the network and is more likely to have your message spread further and wider because your reputation is what you are promoting not your physical products.


They did these test where they put two people in a room, they gave one person 100 dollars and the power to decide how the money will be split. The other person had the power to decide to accept the split or that they both would have nothing. Over time as different players used different stategies it was shown that when the split reached 70-30 the one who decides if they take the money would rather have both to have no money than the other to take 70%, this sense of fairness is what you need to apply in all your dealings with social marketing, because if you get too greedy or even just too annoying and self promoting, your friends will cut you out of the network and would rather that nothing comes from the relationship that have one person abuse it.


with the increase in visibility and openness you often only get one chance, if you blow it then thats it. Its no use even trying to use a fake profile because someone will always find out in the end, especially if you ever get any modicum of success. Having had personal experiences on an even deeper level in group work where everyone can actually hear your thoughts and read your intentions directly you start to take more resposibility and strive to make your intentions clearer and your motivations purer. Anyone who is genuinely interested in helping others above their desire to grow rich will almost certainly be the most sucessfull players in this new game. If the guru abuses the power the network still exists and can exclude him and continue to function in its own higher level goals.


Let this be a warning to any gurus who are not clear about why they are using social marketing. Over the short term you may become very rich, and have a lot of power and influence. But with that power comes responsibility and the need for integrity and honesty, you can never own the network because it is now made up of people, you can only become a servant to the network if you want to reap the highest rewards.



Why did john Reese invite his list onto Facebook , what were his deeper motives and does he even know this himself?

The power of Reese's network lies in the quality and the motivation of the people who are involved. All these people have a desire to be successful and emulate what John had done himself and develop their own Business online. If you apply the 80-20 principle , 20% of this network will contribute to 80% of the total value.

If just 20% of his list go on to do what he has and create their own network of 5000 friends in the following years that's 1000 people each with 5000 friends , that’s half a million people in total.


Ok, I know that many of these networks will be overlapping and often people will choose their friends because they know other friends; The really smart marketers will be making every friend count and be networking away from the central node and will want to choose friends who are also applying the same strategy.

I am going to guestimate that the 500,000 people will in reality be more like 100,000 by applying the same 80-20 principle,This would mean adopting a friending strategy where you aim to make friends with people who know only 20% of the people on your Friends list.


When you get to the next level the of friends of friends the numbers start to get huge. The exponential factor has come into play which is what all viral marketing aims to capitalise on.

20% of 100,000 is 20,000, now if only these 20,000 people max out their friends list you have 100 million people. Applying the 80/20 rule again you get a more realistic 10 million people.


Now I know that John is a smart enough guy to have done his Maths, and he doesn't even have to lift a finger. Except the initial work which he says he did by hand when he accepted his first 5000 friends. And a few posts on his profile. He's sitting on top of a goldmine and he knows it. Anyone who has read the stompernet smarts material will know how the figures stack up

The beauty of it all is that everyone else does the work for him and the people who do the most work are the ones who are going to benefit the most because they will be important nodes in the future network.


Last week john recommended for everyone to get involved with twitter, so far he has 1638 followers and he is in turn following everyone who is following him. Out of 5000 friends and 1860 fans that makes 6860 people, divide that by 1638 and you get 4.1 turn that into a percentage and you realise that he has about 25-30% of his friends and fans doing what he suggested confirming my original theory.


In spiritual circles they say you can never repay your debt to your guru and if what I predict comes true there will be a lot of people who owe their success to him.

I would personally like to thank John Reese for getting me involved in facebook and twitter, I am only just begining to realise its full potential. I will be watching everyones moves very closely, and will be interested to see how the Launch of Traffic Secrets 2 will unfold and whether it will involve Facebook and Twitter