Why did john Reese invite his list onto Facebook , what were his deeper motives and does he even know this himself?
The power of Reese's network lies in the quality and the motivation of the people who are involved. All these people have a desire to be successful and emulate what John had done himself and develop their own Business online. If you apply the 80-20 principle , 20% of this network will contribute to 80% of the total value.
If just 20% of his list go on to do what he has and create their own network of 5000 friends in the following years that's 1000 people each with 5000 friends , that’s half a million people in total.
Ok, I know that many of these networks will be overlapping and often people will choose their friends because they know other friends; The really smart marketers will be making every friend count and be networking away from the central node and will want to choose friends who are also applying the same strategy.
I am going to guestimate that the 500,000 people will in reality be more like 100,000 by applying the same 80-20 principle,This would mean adopting a friending strategy where you aim to make friends with people who know only 20% of the people on your Friends list.
When you get to the next level the of friends of friends the numbers start to get huge. The exponential factor has come into play which is what all viral marketing aims to capitalise on.
20% of 100,000 is 20,000, now if only these 20,000 people max out their friends list you have 100 million people. Applying the 80/20 rule again you get a more realistic 10 million people.
Now I know that John is a smart enough guy to have done his Maths, and he doesn't even have to lift a finger. Except the initial work which he says he did by hand when he accepted his first 5000 friends. And a few posts on his profile. He's sitting on top of a goldmine and he knows it. Anyone who has read the stompernet smarts material will know how the figures stack up
The beauty of it all is that everyone else does the work for him and the people who do the most work are the ones who are going to benefit the most because they will be important nodes in the future network.
Last week john recommended for everyone to get involved with twitter, so far he has 1638 followers and he is in turn following everyone who is following him. Out of 5000 friends and 1860 fans that makes 6860 people, divide that by 1638 and you get 4.1 turn that into a percentage and you realise that he has about 25-30% of his friends and fans doing what he suggested confirming my original theory.
In spiritual circles they say you can never repay your debt to your guru and if what I predict comes true there will be a lot of people who owe their success to him.
I would personally like to thank John Reese for getting me involved in facebook and twitter, I am only just begining to realise its full potential. I will be watching everyones moves very closely, and will be interested to see how the Launch of Traffic Secrets 2 will unfold and whether it will involve Facebook and Twitter
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