Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Twit Tease - Rick Butts Gets Naked!

Viral Video
Rick Butts just posted a great video on his blog from his uptream TV show, He promised to reveal the secrets of Twitter squeeze, which he hopes will revolutionise Internet marketing in the coming future.

You have to watch the video to understand because he has some very important content within it and you need to watch all of it.

Finding The Right Metaphor
I thought I would take a few steps back and see if I couldn't pin down what Rick was doing. I needed to find a good metaphor to express the way I have observed him and others using Twitter to drive traffic into their sales funnel.

Strip Tease Artist
A Strip Tease artist is the closest thing I could come up with, A worker in the Sex Industry who takes off their clothes for money, I know Rick enjoys Sexual Metaphors so he will probably like what I have written

A Hooker
Rick entices people with the sexy tag lines to his blog posts. He's like a hooker sitting in shop window in Amsterdam dressed only in his underwear flaunting his offerings with sizzling copy and promises of dark and dirty secrets.

Fishing For Attention
Rick is a master at creating link bait and getting people onto his blog and taking part in the discussions
Those who step through his door are rarely disappointed. He had me riveted for two hours when I first stumbled upon his Blog. Like a basement fight club for all of the Internet Marketing Gurus. You leave feeling soiled and breathless, hungry for more and now part of that secret society even though you may not have stepped into the gladiatorial arena yourself.

Internet Whore?
You know that Rick isn't frigid, he puts out all the time, he still gives it away for free because he obviously enjoys it. Does he have an ulterior motive, you bet he does, he wants your attention, and he manipulates masterfully in order to secure it

He's like a drug dealer who offers you a taste because he wants you as a long term customer.
You can get your fix of free links as he hooks you up into following all his tweets and before you know it you’ve becoming addicted , knowing he has one of the purest and best supplies on the market. An Internet Veteran with his razorblade on the jugular of the online world. Only too happy to shed a bit of blood knowing it will attract all the sharks to come and feed.

Twit Tease
Rick uses Twitter and his blog in combination like a strip tease artist might use her fan. You think all is going to be revealed only to find him still wearing his G string. As you click closer and closer to his money site or affiliate links you get drawn in to the carefully laid web he has prepared. Its so smooth you don't even notice the transitions.

Seeing Him Naked Will Cost You
He takes off just enough clothes to get you excited enough to follow the next step as he leads you into his sales funnel. If you want to see him fully naked you have to pony up twenty bucks, He doesn't go all the way for free at some point you need to make a commitment. Not that you have to get married or anything, he doesn't even want to know your name. He just wants to make an honest living he has bills to pay like everyone else and he's worked damn hard to get you to this point.

You Get Paid When He Gets Laid
He will show you how he does it and not only that, he will pay you too, you get to become another of his link pimps, sharing the profits in the twitter squeeze cash cow. Shortened URL's hide the deals so no one even knows that you get paid when he gets laid.

Viral Venereal Disease
Social proof is the best form of advertising so having others recommend you and post your links is vitally important for spreading your viral venereal messages.
The new Twit This button at the bottom of each of Ricks blog posts make this even easier, you dont even have to get your hands dirty.

Consummating The Relationship
Seducing people to become twitter followers is like building an autoresponder list. The difference is this one has the potential to grow exponentially. What you have to say and how you say it will determine how quickly you can get people into bed with you and the length of your courtship period. Consummating a relationship will finally come from the press of a paypal button or credit card transaction. You had better be as good in bed as you claim to be because poor performance is quickly exposed and your shortcomings will be revealed for all to see.

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Anonymous said...

Hey Ian, this is an interesting angle and fits with Rick but it's an interesting post after you previous one about the recognition that women ned a different approach!! :) Made me smile though!

Holographic Life Mapping said...

Hi Sam,
Flexibilty is the Key, to write about Rick I have to do it in the same language that he uses for his Taglines. Its always interesting to make a shocking contrast otherwise people will get bored

Rick uses sexual hooks to grab peoples interest. I tried to do the same with this post. I also have a sense of humour and I am glad you found it amusing, it was meant to be tounge in cheek.

DivineDee ;) said...

As marketing & advertising guru's worldwide have known for ages - SEX SELLS !!*giggle*

Yet another brilliantly thought out post - how do you keep coming up with them Ian?!

Unforntunately - twitter is banned in Dubai :( *sigh* The joys of living in the City of Gold ;)

Rick Butts said...


My man - you are a very very good writer.

I don't often give that kind of compliment out to bloggers - because most bloggers are so BORING.

Not only am I impressed with the wordsmithing - but you really took the metaphor to the max.

You know, the hardest person in the world to write copy for is our own selves and you just knocked the ball out of the park!

I think I learned more about my own self - and particularly the impression you've drawn from my work than 2 years in therapy.

I'm trying to figure out how to blog about this post - and get my readers over here to see this masterpiece - but I think your subject line is the key.

Do you mind if I post a few paragraphs (3-4) and a link over here to your blog?

I await your reply -

Thanks and thanks and thanks!

Anonymous said...

Hey Ian,
This is one of my favorites.
It is hilarious.

Leané Gerber