Thursday, July 3, 2008

P.R.I.S.M Reaches 1000 Members and Brian Campbell is Snowed Under

In my previous post I talked about risk reversal and how you can increase sales by taking all the risk away from your customer.

As many of you know, Brian Campbell is re- launching his Social Media Marketing System and has built in a solid risk reversal into his program so anyone considering joining really has nothing to lose and everything to gain

Ironclad, TRIPLE-CONFIDENCE 100% "Better-Than-Risk-Free" Money Back Guarantee!

I'll even allow you a full month to try my “Social Media Marketing System” training to determine if it's right for you. If you don't see how you can immediately begin building wealth easily by using these amazing techniques, I'll issue you a complete refund of your current month's membership fee, no questions asked. Just call my office and we'll cancel your membership. I'm convinced that you'll be completely thrilled with all the priceless training and won't ever need to ask for a refund!

Building Huge Buzz

He has spent the last week building huge buzz and growing a new group called P.R.I.S.M just for this purpose. When I last looked it had over 1000 members and 389 wall post, all in less than a week. He has used a variety of marketing tactics before he finally sent all the prospective P.R.I.S.M. members to his sales letter. I had read an earlier version but I must admit Brian has improved it beyond recognition. Even if you don't choose to join SMMS at least take a copy of this sales letter as a reference and study exactly how he structured it.

Taking Action Pays Off

Two things for me stand out Brian obviously gave some lucky people who had earned it scholarships into SMMS but what he also did was implement a very clever reverse scarcity time and money squeeze to get people to take action quickly. All those who have been following him on Twitter got a 2 hour head start to sign up for the paid program at a massive discount. As more people signed up and the limited places inside S.M.M.S. were taken the discount would rapidly decrease until the $13,000 was all given away. At this point the price will increase. I was impressed because who wants to take the chance of having to pay more at a later date because of hesitation. Brian hasn't released any details as yet but I know he was struggling with the pricing structure. He was worried he was giving it away too cheaply. This might just be a clever marketing strategy but it is also very difficult to ascertain the true value of membership to this program, especially the premium gold and silver memberships.

A Sell Out In 72 Hours

When he first opened the program it sold out in only 72 hours, how much longer he can keep the doors open this time is anybody's guess, from his twitter messaging it sounded like he was snowed under with applications and is busy processing them all right now. Already the first new members have entered the full membership area of the SMMS forum and are starting to interact with the other members.

If you are hesitating then you might miss the boat like the guy from one of my previous posts. You still may have time so go and read the sales letter right now.


Unknown said...
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Jim Marsh said...

Another great post. The interesting thing is that the sales tactic he used I was fully aware of. The funny thing is it didn't matter to me because I was so pulled in by it that I actually commented on the wall about every testimonial video. It got me noticed but the point is that if you present something in such a way that people want it and get momentum behind it even the people that realize it is clever marketing will still be drawn in.

Like I was.
